Sunday, December 28, 2014

Calendar Girls Farewell

It is the 28th of the month and that is the day the Calendar Girls post.  So--I am posting, but I am also sad as this will be the last post for this group. We posted for four years and it has been a blast.  Wonderful Challenges--Great Fun--Sweet Creations--and Awesome Friendships!

We did not have a theme for this month and I am going back and choosing a favorite card from the past.  Yes, I think this group has been "Up to Snow Good" for the past four years.......................  Just kidding

Here is the inside of my card:

Here are a couple of other Christmas or Winter themed cards we have made in the past:

I am also posting the very first card I created in January of 2011 for this group:

This has been a great run the past four years.  I hope the other Calendar Girls have enjoyed the challenges every month and had fun creating the cards every month!

And, a special thanks to Jeanette for her idea in forming this group and trying to keep us in line all of these months......................

Please check out the blogs of all of the Calendar Girls—there may be some posts today about our group.  Thanks for joining us this month and for the past four years!  I will miss posting for this group!!!!!


  1. Fabulous cards Barb and I couldn't choose a favourite!
    That's always too bad when a blog closes, especially one which has been going for four years. But... you have made some good friends and they will always be there so out of everything not so good, there are good things which happen.

  2. Thank you for your sweet words. Farewell is a difficult word. I'm just glad that most of us connect in other groups so we can keep in touch.

    Loved re-visiting your creative winter cards - each one a winner in my opinion!

  3. Oh Barb - I know you have enjoyed this group and you will be sorry to see it go. Treasure the memories, as you have treasured the cards. The ones you have shared are lovely.

  4. It's too bad the group is disbanding- it is fun to see all of the different interpretations on the themes..... Wonderful grouping of cards you have shown.

  5. Wow, what a great look at your work with the Calendar Girls through the years!! I love each of the cards. I hope that you find another group that continues to inspire you as they have.


Thanks for leaving me some love! I read every comment and I appreciate you taking the time to write one!