Saturday, January 13, 2018

Blog Candy Winner

I am here to make a quick post to announce the winner of my blog candy from the comments posted for my year in review.  I only had five people comment, so if you did, you had a pretty good chance to win.  I did use, but I cannot figure out how to post the actual result.  But, I did use it and the winner is---Kelly Santi--of Florida!  Kelly is also a pretty regular commenter on my blog posts, as were the other ladies who posted--thanks Maxine, Jeanette, Shelly and Kristi for stopping by!  I will get a prize package together for Kelly this week! 

Thanks to everyone who stops by my blog anytime during the year--I love ready your comments and they all make me smile.  And, continue to post throughout the year!


Thanks for leaving me some love! I read every comment and I appreciate you taking the time to write one!