Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Introducing the Catch Up Club


Today is the last day of November and I am posting a card for a new challenge--Catch-up Club!  A few of my SCS and stamping friends, Darlene, Jeanette and Terry along with myself, have signed up for a number of virtual stamping events in the past 2 1/2 years.  One of the benefits of these events are that they are available to rewatch or even watch for the first time at a later date as they are all recorded. The 4 of us "try" to watch live and chat by texting during the event.  But, life steps in and there are times when one or more of us are not participating during the live.  Then, the kits from sponsors sits in our stamping area until we are ready to watch the video and create.  During the last event, we decided we needed to push ourselves (and each other) to get some of these events done!  Especially before we sign up or even participate in the next one from the same company!  So--we all decided to devote one day a month, the last day of the month for the procrastinators that we are, to post cards we missed making.  They could be from a virtual event or maybe another challenge that was missed.   So--here we are--The Catch Up Club!

These cards are from the virtual event sponsored by Sarah and The Paper Cut in Appleton called Cards, Cards, Cards!  The original date of the class was September 23rd, so I am 2 months late!

I received the kits for all 10 of these cards, along with 2 other classes of cards that I was able to complete during the weeknights.  But, I could not do the Cards, Cards, Cards on Friday night as we had an event at church.  Sarah is an awesome teacher and I loved all of the cards.  There were circle cards, slider cards, stairstep cards, bib cards and ones using alcohol inks.  We had Christmas cards, Halloween, sympathy, birthday and general themes.  I love the variety of the cards and they are so fun and colorful!


Sarah offers many different kinds of classes through the year and kits can be ordered from their website.  This class is done every fall and also is an in-person class in Appleton at their warehouse the weekend before.  I have done the class in person in the past, but could not this year as I was at a retreat that weekend. I appreciate the ability to do this virtual event!   

I hope you enjoyed my cards!  Here are the links to the other of the Catch Up Club.  Please be sure to check out Jeanette's, Terry's, and Darlene's blogs.  They may post today or tomorrow, but we have all promised to post cards that was have missed the making along the way!

Image/Sentiment:   The Paper Cut Cards, Cards, Cards 2023.  Images are mainly Rubbernecker Stamps and Impression Obsession Stamps

Cardstock:  The Paper Cut--various cardstocks, many metallics and glitters

Ink:    Already stamped for me

Accessories:  All included in each kit!


  1. WOW! I'm speechless... okay, not really because that just doesn't happen, but figuratively speaking, I am speechless. You've completed so many cards and they are all fantastic! Well done on the debut month of Catch Up Club, Barb!

  2. Wow! For the first catch up you are an over achiever! LOL. These are great cards and I am so impressed that you finished them all! I am so happy to be in this club with you and look forward to the months ahead to see what we all are able to accomplish!

  3. HOLY MOLEY!! Congrats on SO MANY catch up cards completed. (hanging my head here with my one measly card) LOL
    These are fabulous cards, love the wide variety, too! Way to go, Barb!


Thanks for leaving me some love! I read every comment and I appreciate you taking the time to write one!